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In this deep dive interview with Alternatives Watch Lee Robinson talks about the Asymmetric Opportunities Fund and other potential trades on Altana’s radar.
In an interview with Alternatives Watch PM Tim Bergin discusses how by seeking out niche alpha managers Calderwood is reinventing the Fund of Funds model
In a CryptoGlobe article Alistair Milne, CIO of ADCF, provides clarity on critical aspects of how SEC approved ETFs would function and their impact on the market.
Bloomberg News article looks at the effects of the partial lifting of US sanctions on Venezuelan debt prices and highlights Altana’s involvement in the trade.
Lee Robinson was quoted by the Financial Times in an article about the partial lifting of US sanctions on Venezuela.
Samed Bouaynaya, ADAF PM, is quoted in a Reuters article about increasing risk management in crypto
Lee Robinson was quoted by Thomson Reuters in an article about why small funds and investors outside the United States are looking to increase their exposure to Venezuelan bonds,
Roland Roventa, PM of ADAF, is a contributor to Hedgeweek Insights’ Build Back Better about the bullish prospects for digital assets funds
Samed Bouaynaya, PM of ADAF, contributed a punchy article, to Hedgeweek’s Global Outlook 2023.
Altana Carbon Investments and Lee Robinson are featured in a story about how Altana, is building a diversified portfolio of high-quality, credible voluntary offsets.
Lee Robinson is featured in FT story about how hedge funds are shopping for bargains in corporate debt markets
Lee Robinson tells Family Capital why Venezuelan bonds are a unique asymmetric investment
Lee Robinson was interviewed by Bloomberg about investing in Venezuelan sovereign debt and Altana’s Credit Opportunities Fund
Christoph Mueck,PM of the Global Carbon Fund is quoted extensively on carbon prices in an informative blog from OPIS
Lee Robinson argues in Investment Week that carbon will be the trade of this decade and investors cannot afford to ignore it.
Lee Robinson and Samed Bouaynaya commeht on the launch of Altana’s new Digital Assets Fund
Altana Wealth has launched its new Digital Assets Fund that will invest in Blockchain Technology across a wide spectrum of sectors.
In HedgeWeek’s comprehensive report Lee Robinson and Samed Bouaynaya discuss why digital assets are now of major interest to investors and Altana’s new investment strategy
In HedgeWeek’s Global Otlook report for 2022, Philip Crate, PM of ACBF, discusses the opportunities and possible problems facing the credit market.
Altana Wealth’s carbon futures-focused strategy has scored a near-60 per cent return since launching earlier this year.
London-based hedge fund Altana Wealth has reported big gains this year stemming from bullish bets in EU carbon.
It’s been a wild ride and it’s not over yet, says Lee Robinson, CIO of Altana Wealth. Ignore cryptocurrency and risk missing all the fun.
Altana Carbon Futures Opportunity, along with a small number of other European Carbon Credit trading funds are entering into a potentially very lucrative market with substantial upside both for investors and for the climate.
Altana Wealth is circling the restructuring and consolidation opportunities arising from the rebound in demand for oil and gas post-Covid.
Altana has launched a new carbon futures-focused strategy which aims to capitalise on the rising costs of carbon credits within the European Union.
Altana Wealth has launched a new futures hedge fund to benefit from the EU carbon emissions market.
The Effect of ESG and Social Impact : How investors can benefit from the related investment opportunities